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Ice Cream


I admit it. I have a sweet tooth. Anything with ice cream goes down easy. Well, almost anything, after all this is Thailand.

The local Dairy Queen in rural rice country is a bit different. First, it roams the village on wheels. And yes, some sort of Popsicle man music is played. Loudly. Secondly, don’t order an ice cream cone, they usually don’t have any. But if you like bread with homemade ice cream, then you are in luck. Third, don’t look for chocolate or vanilla, there ain’t any. Usually, it is a sweet coconut flavored ice cream but bananas run a close second.

A couple of scoops of this delight is then plopped on a slice of bread and finally topped with peanuts. This Thai ice cream cost B10 or less than a penny.

Not bad. I feed the bread to the chickens…

Ice Cream Man

The Ice Cream Man

Cleanliness Matters

A Happy Customer

Yep, homemade coconut ice cream.

The cones are right there!

The Popsicle man goes HiSo in Phitsanulok.

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